It has already been an eventful day today. The kids got up at their usual early hour of 6 am. Sad now that I think sleeping in is 7 am. Since the weather is best here in the morning we went out as soon as we were out of bed. It was really nice because this time Ron was with us. Usually it is just me and the kids waiting outside for Ron to come home from work, or he is working outside. This morning was really nice because we had no plans or things to do so we were just sitting outside enjoying the morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the tarantulas were out. Yes, that's right. We had a large tarantula on our driveway this morning. These don't freak me out as much as the snakes do, not even close so I was able to get up close to get a good picture.
Isn't he cute? And the fun didn't stop there. Lefty was also enjoying the morning. He was hanging out with us just off the driveway where we were all sitting.
Nope the excitement didn't end there. Sage caught her first lizard. He was a tiny one again and both the girls amazed me by holding it. Not me.

Ron commented that tomorrow we are likely to see a javalina, bobcat or god forbid a rattlesnake. Maybe I won't leave the house anymore...
Oh ya, and how could I forget the huge scorpion that Ron killed in the kitchen last night. I should have taken a picture of that too.
HA! I would love to see Wes come face to face with that thing! It is pretty uneventfull up here. We usually only see birds and bunnies and once I saw a deer behind our house. I think the kids would be a little bored up here, I don't think we have any lizards, snakes, or tarantulas in our area. Well, maybe in a pet store.
Rori is so stinkin cute! I would have thought that the lizards would be squirmy and run.
They do run but if you can manage to catch one they seem to settle down once on your hand. Weird hey?
Oh that was fun to see them! I still haven't met Rori yet. She's so stinkin cute! And I forgot how much Ron sounds like Doug! It was like I listening to doug! Crazy
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