Friday, October 3, 2008

A Few Recent Pics

I haven't blogged for a while. It's hard to believe but I don't have much to say. Or maybe it is more about lack of any time to say it. So until I can find some time here are a few recent pics. This first one is of Sage sitting on my bathroom counter begging for me to put makeup on her.

Here is Rori enjoying her favorite part of baking a cake. In all honesty it is me and Sage's favorite part too. This time I used a mix that I bought from Costco of all places. This cake was incredibly good. There is no way that anyone could tell that it was gluten free.

I just like this picture because it shows how blue Justus' eyes are.

Right before I turned on the camera Sage had Justus laughing so hard. Of course when I turned the camera on he turned serious again.

Watching these next two videos makes me lightheaded.


lisa said...

Omg, those videos are precious! Ruby and I sang "Happy Birthday" along with you guys, and then tried to help the girls blow out the candles. Yeah, I'm a little lightheaded now, too. :-)

Amy said...

Oh man! How great was that! I loved it! I was laughing so hard. I will definitly be showing these videos to Nathan and Michael...I can't tell you how happy I am that you have a blog. It's so fun. Oh, and I bet that was nice, slobery (sp?) cake after ALL that blowing!

Happy Birthday Sage!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can see how you would be lightheaded; I found myself holding my breath! The vids and pics just make me miss you guys even more. Oh, and in my dream Justus had more hair! lol