Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Some days I feel so tremendously grateful for this amazing life and family that I have. Today is one of those days. As many of my friends and family know, my life was almost very different than it is today. I was engaged to someone who was all wrong for me. I thought I knew what love was. Then Ron came into my life. He is a gift. He has taught me what love really is. We have been married for more than 13 years now and I love him more with each passing day. Not only is he a better husband than I had ever dared to dream about but he is an amazing father. Today was a great example of both of those. I wanted to get out of the house alone (with baby of course) so since we are a one car family we all drove to the restaurant where I was meeting a friend for lunch. He then took the girls across the street to go see a movie while I got to visit with my friend. Brave brave man to take 2 young girls by himself to a movie. After the movie was over we all drove to the pool. He then took the girls swimming for the rest of the afternoon. Since J is so little I couldn't go. Again, brave man, he managed both girls by himself all afternoon while I got to go browse in some stores. When he and the girls got out of the car to go to the pool, I was watching as he carried R in one arm, held the swim bag in the same arm and held S hand with the other, I was just in awe. What could I have possibly done to deserve a man like this? After 14 years together I still think he is the sexiest man alive and I am so grateful that he is mine!

To my best friend, partner, lover, soul mate, co-parent; thank you for being mine. I love you more than words can ever express.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Gonna Give This Try

Well, I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time. I figure it might just be the best way to keep in touch with family and friends. I guess I will figure this out as I go. I love to write and I almost always have something to say. The trick will be trying to find the time to do this as I have my hands full already with three little ones. S is almost 4, R is almost 2 and J is 9 weeks. We have Celiac disease in our family so I cook gluten free and dairy free. Which basically means that I have to do everything from scratch and there is no such thing as convenience foods or eating out. Fortunately I love to cook so it isn't a huge issue. I also started cloth diapering this week. Sure wish I would have done this with S. There is definitely a learning curve with this and it is more time consuming but I feel good about it and love it so far. Sometimes I look at my life as it is now and I can't believe it. I am such a different person than I was only 5 years ago. If I were to meet myself 5 years ago I am quite sure I wouldn't like me. Five years ago I thought I was happy. But there was always a feeling of hmmm... yearning I guess. I was always looking for that thing that would make me happy. I had no clue what real happiness was. Now I know. I am busier than I have ever been in my life but I also have never been happier. In this blog I hope to write about my family, my new adventures in living green and gluten free and dairy free cooking. I expect there will be much to be said about Celiac disease as it is a big part of our daily lives. As I write this I realize that this blogging thing could be addictive. I should stop for now, life is calling.